Guide on Reverse Mortgages for Condo Owners

April 17, 2023
Pierpoint Mortgage | Broker & Lenders | Guide on Reverse Mortgages for Condo Owners

Do you know if your condominium project is eligible for a reverse mortgage loan? If not, then you are on the right page. We are here to help you find greater flexibility in your older years with reverse mortgages.

Homeowners of age 62 or older can use a reverse mortgage to access their home equity while keeping the title. Moreover, you do not have to repay the reverse mortgage lenders until you sell your home, move, or pass away.

In general, condos are eligible for this type of loan, but you must make sure that the FHA (Federal Housing Administration) has approved your property. The most common type of reverse mortgage is the HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage). This is insured by the FHA and sold by FHA-approved lenders. Thus, it means that your condo must meet the minimum requirements set by HUD (the US Department of Housing and Urban Development).

This blog will explore deep insights into reverse mortgage condo loans. It `is ideal for retirees without bank savings who can turn a depreciating asset into cash to pay retirement bills.

What Must You Do To Get A Reverse Mortgage As A Borrower?

Here are the eligibility requirements for a reverse mortgage for condo owners. You must:

  • be 62 years old to apply for a reverse mortgage. This is because reverse mortgages allow seniors to tap into home equity without selling or paying monthly mortgages.
  • own your home outright or have a minimum of 50 percent equity. This indicates that your mortgage debt is less than half the value of your home. The greater your equity, the larger your borrowing capacity.
  • make the home your main place of residence. This means you cannot use a reverse mortgage to purchase a second home or an investment property.
  • not be delinquent on the federal debt, including taxes and student loans. If you have any outstanding federal debt, you must pay it off before qualifying for a reverse mortgage.
  • need the financial resources to pay ongoing expenses like property taxes, homeowners insurance, and homeowners association fees. These costs can add up, so you must ensure you can afford them before applying for a reverse mortgage.
  • attend a consumer information session presented by a HUD-approved HECM counselor. This session will help you understand the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage and decide whether it’s the right option for you.

In addition to these requirements, your mortgage lender in Stamford will verify your income, assets, monthly living expenses, and credit history. They want to ensure you can afford the loan and have a history of paying real estate taxes and insurance on time.

What Are The Condo Requirements To Get It Approved For FHA Financing?

To be eligible for a reverse mortgage, properties must meet certain requirements, and the guidelines focus on three main areas:

  • Safety: The property must ensure the safety and well-being of its occupants.
  • Security: It should be a secure investment, meaning it will retain its value throughout the loan.
  • Soundness: The home must be structurally sound and free from any physical defects affecting its integrity.

In other words, your home must be in good condition, safe to live in and maintain its value throughout the loan period.

How Do You Know If The FHA Has Approved Your Condo Project?

If you’re wondering whether you live in FHA-approved condominiums, you can check HUD’s database of all FHA-approved condos. This database is open to the public and allows you to search for your condo by state, county, or name. You can apply for an FHA loan if your condo is already approved.

Additionally, you can receive your loan proceeds in a lump sum, monthly payments, or a combination of these. You can use the loan proceeds however you wish, which gives you even more control over your finances.

What If Your Condo Is Not Approved By The FHA?

It’s not unusual to discover that condos aren’t approved, but don’t lose hope—there are various options for your complex or unit to get approved.

There are two ways to achieve FHA approval. Firstly, you can request that your condo association go through the approval process for the whole complex. Secondly, you can apply for single-unit condo approval for your specific condo. Let us discuss them in brief.

Condo Complex Approvals

You will need your complex to have FHA approval to apply for the loan. If your complex had FHA approval before, it’s a good sign that your association may be willing to consider FHA approval again. To start the process, you should ask your association if they are open to obtaining FHA approval. You can also contact reverse mortgage lenders, who can speak to your association on your behalf.

To get FHA approval, your complex needs to meet certain requirements set by HUD, which are as follows:

  • The complex must have a minimum of 50% of its units owned by its occupants.
  • The number of owners in the complex who are more than 60 days late on their dues must be less than 15%.
  • There should be no ongoing legal disputes against the complex.
  • The complex must maintain the minimum insurance requirements.

Single Unit Condo Approvals

If your condo association does not have the heart to follow FHA guidelines seriously, you can try an alternate route to get your condo approved for FHA loans. To get single-unit approval, the unit needs to meet several criteria. Firstly, it must be situated in a condominium complex that is not approved. Secondly, it should be entirely finished and ready for someone to move in. Moreover, the complex should have a minimum of five dwelling units and not contain any manufactured homes.

In addition, the condominium complex to which the unit belongs must also meet a specific set of requirements. Here are some of them to give you a clear picture.

  • The condo unit will get approval for the existing construction only. No new constructions will get it.
  • The complex where you live must have a certificate of occupancy, which should be at least one year old.
  • The units in the condominium project should not be less than five single units to qualify.
  • It should be 50% occupied by the owners, not the tenants or renters.

Thus, if your condo is eligible for these FHA guidelines, reverse mortgage borrowers can easily apply for the loan process.

Bottom Line

If you’re considering getting a reverse mortgage, it’s important to take your time and fully understand the risks and terms of this type of loan. Although it can be a helpful way to finance your retirement, at the same time, it’s crucial to review all the documentation involved carefully.

If you ultimately determine that a reverse mortgage condo loan is the right choice for you, make sure to do your research. It is also better to meet with different mortgage lenders in Stamford to determine which loan option is best for you.



PierPoint Mortgage, LLC, was founded in 2003 and have been offering brilliant services ever since. PierPoint Mortgage is a nationwide mortgage broker that has over 50 years of mortgage experience.


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